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- Bernardo -

Bernardo went to work for Don Diego when the young man was studying in Spain. Despite appearances, Bernardo is much more than only a servant to Diego, and a strong friendship links the two men. Moreover, Bernardo did not hesitate to leave his native land to follow Diego to Los Angeles.

The people around there considered the deaf and dumb Bernardo the simple-minded man of the village. He pretends to not understand what he is asked and it is difficult to understand what he wants. Everyone ignores him and leaves him alone.

Bernardo makes the most of this situation in spying for Zorro of whom he is the accomplice beyond suspicion.

Theme of Bernardo

About Bernardo :

The real friend of Diego
Zorro's accomplice

Other Websites to learn more about Bernardo :


Information on Gene Sheldon the actor who played Bernardo

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Sheldon Wiki page about Gene Sheldon